Loss Recovery $15 Margin Call Bonus from NordFX

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Margin Call Bonus is required when a trader has a dangerous situation of trading and losing the position and money, At that time trader needs to recover or save the position and for that requires an additional credit. The $15 bonus is like that, it will help you to recover yourself from the critical situation and continue your trading. Also, can withdraw the earned profits by reaching lot condition. The bonus is given as per lot $5 to $15 for the campaign.

Joining Link: Forex Trading $15 Margin Call Bonus

Expiry Date: Limited
Available for: all traders

How to participate in the Forex Recovery Bonus

  • Create a Pro Account
  • Join in the Margin Call Bonus by making a request
  • Continue your forex trading and increase your bonus
  • Request to approve the Margin call and bonus

Loss Recovery Margin Call Terms

  1. You are recommended to let the financial department know to approve the bonus and margin call


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